
in Cologne

and Berlin

Your personal development counts

Make an appointmentAbout

If you enjoy your work and feel good about it – then you will also perform very well. Today, even the entrepreneurial executive floor knows that this brings economic advantages. So it’s time for you to set new goals. I will accompany you on your way to professional and private clarity, more conscious action and personal development. As your professional coach and sparring partner for your


Executive Coaching

Executive coaching for women



Why Helga Odendahl?

Because it is about your personal development

Benefit from a high level of practical relevance, experienced entrepreneur, proven tools and a particularly sound professional background: I am a business coach, certified depth psychologist and entrepreneur. As your sparring partner, I can respond particularly well to what may hinder your progress. I do this with respect, appreciation and the passion for the challenge that is close to my heart: Your personal development.

Would you like to know more? Call now – and make an appointment for a first meeting. Under: 0177-2664514.

Your Helga Odendahl

I cooperate with the following companies ›

What my customers say

"goal-oriented and to the point, analytical and precise"

Annette Mateoi – CTS Companion to success GmbH

"Very instructive and useful for occasionally taking a closer look at your own personality"

Gabriele Delker – Personnel Consulting

"Helga Odendahl has expanded my perspective"

Gaby Balters – EVOLOG, Consulting

"Ms. Odendahl's coaching has helped me develop my leadership skills as a manager. The contact to my employees has improved immensely".

Peter G. – Department manager

Contact – Helga Odendahl

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Phone & Mobile

+49 (0) 221-93297590

+49 (0) 177-2664514




Schönhauser Straße 62

50936 Köln


Business Coach Cologne

Business Coaching Cologne and Berlin - Helga Odendahl

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